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“ I never thought I would see places like this or ever do things like this with people that look like me and now all I want to do is keep exploring more...”
- Black Outside, Inc Alum
Black Outside, Inc is a 501c3 Texas-based organization dedicated to reconnecting Black, African-American youth to the outdoors.

With the knowledge that only 1% of Texas state park participants identify as Black/African-American, Black Outside, Inc (BOI) was founded with the mission of expanding outdoor programming to more Black/African-American youth in central Texas. We seek to not only diversify the outdoors but cultivate a new generation of outdoor participants and leaders.

"I became a better person and connected with parts of the world that I’ve never connected with..."
- Black Outside, Inc youth participant
our impact
Black Outside, Inc is a 501c3 Texas-based organization dedicated to reconnecting Black, African-American youth to the outdoors.

our programs

camp founder girls
America's first historically Black summer camp for girls* inspiring Black girl bravery, strength, creativity, and confidence.

Connecting Black/African-American families back home to the land through community-based programming.

brothers WITH the land
Connecting black/African-American boys to the power of the outdoors through leadership, healing, and mentorship.
We intentionally craft experiences that build off of the powerful history and imagination of Black people in the outdoors.
our sponsors


in the media

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